July 12 & 13, 2008 - KENSINGTON, PE
Jacobi takes a Gr 2/PBIG under Judge Mr Larry Kereluke along with a Gr 4 under judge Melvin Beech

April 5 & 6 2008 TRENTON, NS
Judges Patricia Lanctot & Emily Gratton, Jacobi takes BOW & BPIB for 2 more points and his first BPIG & Best Puppy In Show !!

May 3 & 4, 2008 MONCTON, NB
Under Judges Denise Cornelssen & David Paterson, Jacobi takes BOW, BOS & BPIB to complete his Can Ch in 3 weekends !!!

March 28, 2009 BIBLE HILL, NS
Under Judge Merlin Van de Kinder (BC)- Jacobi wins the working group!!