Had a Great start to the year !!
Halifax - Feb - Show #1 Scarlet BOB / Gr 2 nd / BPIG under Judy Byrne for a 5 point major then grabbed a Best Puppy In Show under William Byrne !!!
Show # 2 Scarlet BOB/ Gr 2nd / BPIG under William Byrne for another 5 point major completing her Canadian Championshion in 3 shows
Show # 3 Cavi BOS/ BPIG and won her second Best Puppy In Show under Natalja Skalin !! ( Grabbibg her 1st GCH point)
Show # 4 Cavi BOB/ Gr 2nd / BPIG under Bo Skalin ( Grabbing her 2nd GCH point ) .... Many thanks to Tina Sandford and the Team !!!
Truro - March- Show #1. Scarlet goes Gr4th and BPIG under Terry Carter
Show #2. Cavi wins her first Working group under Mario Duarte from Brazil and goes onto win her 3rd Best Puppy In Show!!!!
APRIL 2014. -. We are extremely excited to have AM CDN ConnQuest Wanted Dead Or Alive join our breeding program, Many thanks for Greg Chan and Theresa Connors Chan , from ConnQuest Dobermans, for giving us this opportunity!! Cowboy is sired by AM CDN MBIS Goldgrove High Intensity , Canada 's Top Working Dog 2013, #1 Doberman and #10 All Breed
Watch for him this summer at select shows with Tina Sandford
May - Moncton NB - Cowboy wins TWO group 1st Saturday under Mr Chaloux and Mrs Hewson!!!! Sunday takes a Gr 3nd under Michelle Scott
May - Amherst NS - Cowboy wins another Gr 1st under Deirdre McKinnon, a Gr 2 under Mr Len Herfield and two Gr 3rd Under Jack Ireland and Maida Puterman
June - PEI - Cowboy wins the breed all 4 shows with a Group 1st under Mr Ron Mahon, Mel Saranchuk and Irene Latchford and a Group 2 ND under Lynda Saranchuk
Canning NS- Group 1st under Sharon Derrick, Carol Graham and Group 2 ND under Mary Spinelli ( breed judge Tony Vandendool) for Cowboy
July - PEI - 4 Breed wins for Cowboy with 3 Gr 1st under Michael Gelinas, Wayne Thompson and Phyllis Pancel and a Gr 2 under Sandy Gelinas
Aug - NBKC - 6 Breed wins for Cowboy with 4 Gr 1st under Michel Bouchard, Harold Pybus, Brenda Wilson, Alan Ewles and and a Gr 2 ND under Donna Conord and Gr 3nd under Nancy Popovich
Sept - Miramichi NB - 4 breed wins, a Gr 2 Nd under Jacqueline Rusby and two Group 3rd under Ray Smith and Richard Paquette
Oct - Truro NS, only shown on the Sunday to Belgium judge Liliane de Ridder Onghena for a Gr 2 nd making Cowboy #5 in Canada
Cowboy finished the year #6 Doberman in Canada with 9 weekends out piloted by Tina Sandford !!!